
4 Customizable Orangetheory Treadmill Inspired Workouts

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Do you like to run, but get bored on the treadmill? Or, do you enjoy Orangetheory treadmill workouts but do not want to pay for the membership? You have come to the right place. My favorite part of going to OTF is the treadmill workout. I love the fact I just run and don’t think. I also think the workout flies by since you are constantly switching speeds, efforts, and inclines. 

The fitness instructor in me quickly realized it is easy to replicate an Orangetheory treadmill workout outside of the studio. I have been doing variations of these treadmill workouts for some time. I have also shared these workouts with friends who love too! They tell me that they burn more calories and feel the time goes by faster than just running on one speed on the treadmill. 

In these workouts, I mention “base pace,” if you have attended an OTF class then you should be familiar with your personal base pace or at least how to find it. If you are unfamiliar with “base pace” then do not fret. Base pace is 71-83% of your max heart rate or Zone 3. I believe the easiest way to find base pace is to find a running pace that you feel you can maintain comfortably for a couple miles. And if running a few miles sounds crazy then try out a speed walk with a small incline.

Resource on finding your Max Heart Rate.

My favorite treadmill.

Orangetheory Treadmill Inspired Workouts

For all of these workouts I like to pick a 2 mile duration and that is what these will be based off. It is super easy to customize the workout and change the distance to maybe 1 mile or over 2 miles. For the speed intervals that do not require incline, these can be performed on a treadmill or outside.

Disclaimer: It is important to consult with a healthcare provider before beginning any new exercise routine, especially those involving heart rate zones.

Distance Based Speed Intervals

  • *Pick your goal distance (suggestion – 2 miles)
  • Base Pace .2 mile
  • Increase speed by 1-1.5 mph for .05 mile
  • Repeat until you hit your goal distance
  • Challenge: finish at your top speed

Distance Based Hill Intervals

  • *Pick your goal distance (suggestion – 2 miles)
  • Base Pace .2 mile, incline 0
  • Increase incline to 4-5% for .05 mile
  • Repeat until you hit your goal distance
  • Challenge: instead of incline, finish at your top speed

Pyramid Based Speed Intervals

  • *Pick your goal distance (suggestion – 2 miles)
  • Start with conservative Base Pace for .1 mile
  • Increase speed by .1-.2 mph every .1 mile until you hit half of your goal distance
  • Decrease speed by .1-.2 mph (from your half way speed) until you hit your full goal distance
  • Challenge: increase intervals from .1 to .15 or .2 mile.

Pyramid Based Hill Intervals

  • *Pick your goal distance (suggestion – 2 miles)
  • Start with conservative Base Pace for .1 mile, incline 0
  • Increase incline by 1-2% every .1 mile until you hit half of your goal distance
  • Decrease incline by 1-2% (from your half way incline) until you hit your full goal distance
  • Challenge: increase intervals from .1 to .15 or .2 mile.

Be sure to save this page and let me know if you tried any of these Orangetheory treadmill inspired workouts! Also, if you have any questions, feel free to contact me or leave a comment.

I only promote products and services that I have tried and love. This post may contain affiliate links from Amazon or other sites, which means I receive a small commission if you purchase a product or service through my links.

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