A common theme among high achievers is that they all have a solid morning routine that sets the tone for their day. I am typically good with mornings but find my mornings where I have to get around for work in the morning become chaotic and that is not how I want to start any day and I’m sure many of you can relate. Therefore, this year, I have been much more intentional about creating a calming morning routine for myself, especially on those mornings that are not calm. So this is the 10 step morning routine I try to stick to that is calming, attainable, and is intentional without taking hours.
Also, If you don’t stick to a routine daily. Don’t sweat it, really, forgive yourself. I certainly don’t and I’m sure all of the people with their intense morning routines don’t either. More often than not is the goal, not perfection.
I learned there is science about how hitting snooze makes is much harder for your body to wake up because it starts another sleep cycle. Instead, turn your alarm off and I do one of two things if I am not feeling like getting up. 3 swift movements (thanks Ashley Eckhoff) or use the 5 second rule from Mel Robbins and up you go. Remember your alarm does not have to be a jarring sound.
There is nothing quite as refreshing as cleaning yourself and the action will help you wake up.
put on some lotion with a nice calming scent, brush your hair, put on some cozy clothes or workout clothes if you have time in your morning.
Therefore, breakfast must come next for the pups. I know having dogs or other humans to take care of in the AM can feel like a burden, but I like to reframe that and think of it as accountability buddies that hold me to my routine.
I ice roll while the pups are eating and my coffee is brewing. It is great because I have already did my skin care and the ice is a great prep for my makeup.
I sit down while they do their business, sometimes I zone out and try to notice the nature around me and think about priorities for the day.
The Daily Stoic has dated pages that are each less than a page long and great food for thought. Then, if I do have time I will write down some things I want to accomplish for the day. I would like to get into journalling and/or mediation, but at this point I simply don’t have the time on a normal work day. If I have extra time I will read some of another book, preferably something self help or business related.
If not, I will continue getting ready for work. Something that makes getting ready must easier is if I have my outfit planned out for the day.
The sun is typically out at this point and getting some sunlight first thing in the morning is excellent for your circadian rhythm and mood.
if I am driving to work I will bring my breakfast to work because I can take my time eating at my desk instead of trying to rush before I leave for the office.
Let me know if any of this is helpful. Also, if you have any calming morning rituals, I would love to hear about it!
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