
10 Hard Things You Should Learn in Your 20s

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Semi-retired fitness instructor.
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Tries to follow routines.
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I am pushing my 30s these days and these are ten hard things I think you should learn in your 20s. Some of these things I am still working on myself, I am not perfect in any way but I do have the desire to be better. Subconsciously, you may know these to be true, and if that is the case then this is your reality check.

Also, this is not super serious. Not life or death. Just my thoughts and observations from living life.

Thing you should learn in your 20s

Things You Should Learn in Your 20s. P.S. don’t come for me 😉

1. Learn to drink your coffee without sugary creamers

Those extra calories from your coffee creamers are not worth the calories. Just learn to enjoy the taste of coffee with a splash of milk and maybe a a tiny bit of a stevia sweetener (I have been loving these). It feels very adult to actually just the taste of coffee, just saying.

2. Get up early on the weekends

Waking up and going to bed around the same time every day will make work mornings or mornings where you need to get up early so much easier. You will be amazed how much longer your weekends will feel as well with the extra awake time. Mornings are peaceful and are a great way to start off your weekend on the right foot. Read this book for inspo to be a morning person.

3. Your clothes to need to FIT

I don’t care how much your spent on your clothes if they don’t fit your body. If your clothes are too big, too tight, too long/short, or just are not meant for your shape your outfit will look bad, period. Also, you will be more likely to wear clothes that fit your perfectly so using a tailor will be worth the small amount of money if it is needed.

4. Break the habit of doom scrolling

I recently *temporarily* deleted TikTok and if you find yourself on it every second you get I suggest the same for you. There’s so much time wasted watching other people on social media. I know we all know this, but really, if there is an app taking up all of your free time delete it. You will have to think twice about what you should be doing when you open your phone to realize TikTok or whatever your social media addiction is has disappeared.

5. Follow your work dress code

I post a lot about business casual because I’m very observant and care about fashion. I also happen to be a big rule follower and know many other respectable people at your job might be as well. Be professional and don’t get a rap as the girl who pushes the boundaries with your attire at work.

6. Investing and signing up for workout classes is the best way to hold yourself accountable

Listen, I have been a fitness girly doing all the fitness things for a long time and buying an expensive studio membership that will charge you a fee for late cancels and no shows has been the best way to hold myself accountable. The gym buddy thing never worked for me, setting my clothes out is hit or miss, but some of my hard earned money on the line makes me get my butt to workout.

7. Make your food at home as much as possible

If you want to see a noticeable difference in your body you need to have a good diet, there are few exceptions. The best way to make sure your diet is good is to cook your own food. I believe it is the best way to truly know what you are putting in your body and you have control over added sugars, oils, salt, etc. Added bonus – you will likely save money.

8. Think twice about turning something down because you want to be lazy

This is a tough one for some and some what of a pet peeve of mine. If you have ever said “I don’t want to go there because it will be a long walk”, “that is way too much work”, “that workout looks was too intense”, you get the point, think twice before saying those words again. Be better, you can do hard things. Everyone starts somewhere.

9. You don’t need to buy a “treat” every time you go to the store

This is hard and a reminder for myself. You don’t need to buy cookies, or ice cream, or those baked goods by the produce. The enjoyment you will get is temporary, but the regret may sting a bit longer especially if you are prone to proceed to binge on that treat like me. I am not saying you can never have a treat, but be mindful of how often you are adding “treats” to your cart.

10. That powder you see that girl on social media drinking every morning is just marketing

Most of those greens/reds/collagen/energy, etc is probably just getting peed out if we are being honest. If you think you need supplements talk to someone who is qualified to give the advise not some social media influencer.

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